Interview Techniques

Interview Techniques

Make a good impression! Here are a few tips for a successful interview

  • Dress smartly, you can always seek advice from us if you’re unsure
  • Do your homework on the company before attending the interview and prepare a few questions ready to ask.  We will also assist you in providing client information
  • Read through your CV before your interview to remind you of any previous experience that is relevant to the role
  • Be prepared and take a copy of your CV, along with any relevant certificates
  • Make sure you know where you are going and how long it will take you to get there
  • Arrive a little earlier than your interview time
  • Remain interested, maintain eye contact and sit up straight
  • On greeting your interviewer, give them a big smile and firm hand shake
  • Make sure you listen to what they say to you, try and highlight your attributes and experience in response to questions or information they provide
  • Try and avoid clichéd answers to questions, be yourself and highlight any experience, skills or attributes that make you stand out from any other interviewees
  • Be friendly but professional!
  • Make sure before you leave the interview you fully understand the company and what is expected for the role
  • Conclude by expressing an interest in the role (if appropriate), stating that you look forward to hearing from them and thank them for their time

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